Author: Richard Doyle

Low Carb with Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of Pairing Low-Carb Eating with Intermittent Fasting for Health and Weight Loss By  Mark Sisson• 12 Comments 355 72  8 57 Print Most of the low-carbers I know end up experimenting with intermittent fasting at some point in their journey, and most...

Keto and Cancer: Where Do We Stand?

HOME » DIET & NUTRITIONOctober 11 2019 By Mark Sisson33 Comments 1536 17  4 49 Print The ketogenic diet has exploded in popularity over the last few years. Hordes of people are using it to lose body fat, overcome metabolic diseases, improve their...

10 Keto Hacks to Try…Or Not

July 31 2019 By Lindsay Taylor, PhD When I say “hack” or “biohack,” what does that call to mind for you? Taking 20 supplements per day, shining special lights into your ears, stem cell...

8 Tips For Keto on a Budget

A criticism often leveled against the keto diet is that it’s more expensive than a “regular” (read: SAD) diet. There’s some truth to that. It does cost more to buy meat than ramen and beans. I...

The Brain Needs Animal Fat

I try very hard to restrict my protein intake to grass fed pastured animals, birds, and wild caught fish. This article discusses the value of the associated fats, and why these fats are good...


Every now and again I see a really good blog post by Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple. When I see such a post and it expresses my own personal perspective, I like to...

Neural Biology and the Blood/Brain Barrier

 The membrane around the brain is called the blood-brain barrier. It serves a similar role to the gut lining. It is very thin and semi-permeable. Examples of things that should pass through the barrier...